v2.0.0 RC4 (Released February 12, 2015)
Updated to smali/baksmali 2.0.5
#685 - Fixed select invalid attrs from Lollipop APKs
#713 - Added support for APKs that utilized Shared Resources
#329 - Fixed issue identifying strings that were named liked filepaths as ResFiles
#590 - Fixed isolated issue with segfaulting apks
#545 - Fixed issue with undefined attributes
#702 - Fixed invalid treating of MNC_ZERO which caused duplicate resources
#744 - Fixed ugly warnings of "Cleaning up unclosed ZipFile...."
#757 - Fixed downloading gradle over http, instead of https
#402 - Fixed issue with framework storage when user has no access to `$HOME`
注意:此更新日志包含2.0.0 RC3以后的更新。完整的2.0.0更新日志在这里查看