Migration Instructions from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2
Fixed issues with apks that use .9.xml files, which improperly triggered 9patch decoder. (Issue 1005)
Prevent compressing resources that should not be. (Pull 1020)
aapt changes
5cded813 - skip compat functions.
eb06229e - add miui support for godzillaui.
d3c5cc64 - add miui support for 4 digit mnc/mcc fields.
ef9e8d09 - build libc++ statically.
Updated smali/baksmali to v2.0.8
Fixed issues with reference attributes being decoded improperly. (Issue 1023) / (Thanks phhusson)
Fixed issue with version qualifiers being improperly added during build. (Issue 928)
Added Support for Android Marshmallow (API 23). (Issue 999)