Xposed for Lollipop
本帖最后由 越狱 于 2015-2-14 10:32 编辑原帖地址:http://forum.xda-developers.com/ ... d-lollipop-t3030118
It seems that many people have waited for this moment, and here we are:
Xposed for Lollipop is finally here!
You can find a list with Q&A on the XDA Portal. Please read it, you will find many answers there.
Note that this is still an alpha version and for Lollipop on ARMv7+ devices only.
Please install it only if you're willing to take the risk of boot loops. Just because it's working fine and stable for me doesn't mean it will work for everyone the same way.
xposed-arm-20150213b.zip: Must be flashed with a custom recovery to install the framework.
XposedInstaller_3.0-alpha1.apk: Must be installed to manage installed modules
No, it's not using material design yet. Yes, there are more important topics for now.
XposedBridgeApi-20150213.jar: The API for module developers, in case they want to make use of some new features. Might be changed slightly until the stable release!
Known issues:
- It seems to boot loop on Samsung stock ROMs. I have received a file which I can use to analyse this issue, but it might take some time.
- If you have downloaded the files within the first hour, your phone boots but the installer says that the framework is not installed, please download the updated version and flash again. XposedBridge version must be 61 afterwards.
- If everything is working fine, but the app_process version is not displayed, it's just a display error that can be ignored (will be fixed later).
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感谢,越狱大神 我也说一句百忙之中抽出抢红包时间来顶一下! 支持大大。。。。。论坛建设。 谢谢分享。。。。。全英文的真心看不懂呀。。。。 5.0的xposed框架终于出现了 俺机子要下个月才有5.0vermark着先 你太有才了 我回复,我骄傲,不做伸手党。 顶